Ilana Mercer and the Collectivity of the West

[Post slightly edited from the original for legibility. No contets are altered]

The evasive, clever Mercer, her Dugin ties, her links with Israel, despite her inability to openly admit it, and finally (she can link and side with whomever she wants), her inability to unabashedly admire the CHRISTIAN culture of the West. Mercer may "wish us a Merry..." but there is always a "but" somewhere in her greetings.

If you look at these formidable classical musicians, including Mozart (my favorite) they were, as are all post-renaissance artists, in rebellion against God. That is fine with me, I CAN separate their beauty as rebels.

But what is Mercer's excuse, other than she realizes, and is horrified, that the contemporary Western culture which she coyly supports will ultimately destroy her and her Judaism?

And finally, if she is to "critique" the Grammys, then look at that perverted homosexual/unisexual who came in a red bloated-balloon costume, and horns on his head. And how about Madonna's equally bloated costume (her face), as she linked her serpent tongue with another (black) woman - talk about multicultural.

By the way, Rihanna SKIPPED the Grammys, and she wasn't nominated, so even Mercer's article starts with a false note (more than a note, actually). (Kanye West was credited for some collaboration, but was not nominated and did not perform. Cardi B was not nominated, but was there to present an award. Etc.)

Rihanna performed pornography instead at the Super Bowl, wearing her devil-red bubble/space suite. Apparently pregnant.

Mercer somehow convinced the desperate a-Christian conservative crowd that she is erudite, when in fact if you read her writing, it is filled with hyperbole and needless repetition - YES, we KNOW pop culture is evil...

But, then, if Mercer somehow got her info right, and wrote about what happened at the Grammys, she would realize that base music and discordant chords isn't simply the territory of blacks, as she slyly writes in a brazenly obvious "under-cover" racism. White pop singers are equally guilty. And Mercer always overdoes her alliterations, subjecting readers to her own hammering brain. "The beastly bacchanalia," she writes, giving Rihanna and Co. space in those Greco-Roman mythologies, contradicting her views of Rihanna's crassness.

Mercer may try to associate by omission in her title for her Grammys article "Beethoven & Bach ARE THE WEST, Not Cardi B, Kaney, Rihanna..." Kanye's last name is gone (is that Mercer's attempt at removing Kanye from the West?) - but he is already ahead of her with complete omission and his one-syllable identification: "Ye!" Once again, her clever attempt at playing with language fails - "Beethoven & Bach ARE THE WEST, Not Cardi B, Rihanna, or KANYE WEST" has rhythm to it compared to her slack attempt at mocking the rapping black artists she disdains.

I used to write about pop culture and found, several years ago, its open devil worship. Here is one about Rihanna.

I didn't have direct access to the Grammys this year, but they are something to watch, strange, slithering, "Western" at its Dionysian best (worst).

Mercer does not belong in your company. Plus, whatever she writes is easily visible in our Brave New Internet. She is giving us old news, and is getting paid for it in the bargain.

Most importantly, though, Mercer shows us her hand through her contribution to the Russia-run media, RT (formerly known without its acronym as Russia Today). Although her last contributions date back to 2013, she still has an active "bio" page, with links to her current activity (twitter, Gab, YouTube, LinkedIn, and podcast):

Tells us RT:

[Mercer's] on Twitter, Gab, YouTube, & LinkedIn; banned by Facebook, and has a new podcast. ALL these links are current.

I debated whether to add this below, since I don't want this post to be a personal attack on Mercer. But, I must do so, since it adds to Mercer's public, and political, identity.

Mercer, the ultra-Libertarian, decided to have her appearance changed a recent while ago. 
[Both photos from Mercer's blog's gallery]
Her her most current look with plastic surgery bloating subsided.
[Photo from a screenshot from interview with David Vance of Hard Truths, January 31, 2023]
Mercer IS in Madonna's company.

Mercer is married to an Irish-South African "rock" musician, about whom she has written, and a daughter whom she occasionally mentions. I understand the need to acknowledge family members, and also musicians who appear to follow a Western pattern, but it has been decades since I listened to chord-heavy "pop/rock" music, with obtuse melody and deliberate loudness, and with the heavy chords obstructive and degenerative. This is the signature style of Sean Mercer.

Some thoughts on contemporary music here.
And my commentary on Mercer's creepy defense of the creep pedophile Michael Jackson here.
I got interested in Mercer because her initial point of entry to North America from South Africa was Canada, via the beautiful western (?!) province of British Columbia. Shortly thereafter, she moved to Seattle, just across the border, to the US, and obtained her American citizenship. I found this interesting at first, then realized that she has no interest in the collectivity of the West. Canada and America, although two different countries, have similar, if not exactly, the same, issues, which she could have covered, from her mountain post in BC, and even reduced the left-leaning Canadian public to shift right-ward. But her "rightness" is just an extension of her libertarian politics, so, that wouldn't have happened anyway.
My (very brief) email interaction with Mercer on the question of nationality here.
And my early views on Mercer, which evolved/changed fast here.
Kidist Paulos Asrat