Council of European Canadians' Co-Founder Ricardo Duchesne is a Russophile

Ivan the Terrible

Ivan the Terrible

Image from Duchesne's twitter page


Ricardo Duchesne, notwithstanding his book Canada in Decay: Mass Immigration, Diversity, and the Ethnocide of Euro-Canadians, is nonetheless a Russophile, and a promoter of Dugin.

He is the co-founder of the website Council of European Canadians, a frequent writer there, and seems to have some high level respect from the Council's writers and followers.
But he is a bit of an anomaly despite his "West is Best" treatise, until one digs deeper.
He writes in a March 2022 article at the CEC: The American Universalist War Against Eastern Slavic Civilization:
It was bound to happen. Russia is the last remaining White-Slavic civilization that is not subservient to America’s claim to being the “Universal Civilization” that stands for the values, institutions, gender relations, and way of life that reflect the “natural rights of man” — what everyone in the world really wants if they are given the freedom to pursue their own individual happiness. But while America has been willing to co-exist with Hindu, Sinic and Islamic civilizations that retain their cultural autonomy, the Anglo-Jewish ruling class in America was determined to bring all European peoples under this universal model.
Once again, this camouflage as a "Westerner" writing about the beauties of Western civilization, and the superiority of the Western mind, takes him straight to Russia.
Bitterness and anger at America's (and Canada's) acquiescence to multicultural forces should not make America and Canada his enemies. And is Russia really an ally of this West, even at the West's weakest, and most hijacked, state?
Of course not. But it is easier to say so, to find and "alternate" to the difficult times, instead of keeping on with the fight.
Here is the most recent example of Duchesne's, ultimately, dangerous and callous position where he dismisses a brave young woman's exposition of what is REALLY going on in that Russian haven. It is in the comments section of his article German-Russian Alliance Biggest Threat to American Liberal Geopolitical Dominance.
In the comments section, Goldy Locks writes:
Hello, I have been a long-time reader of Eurocanadian. Although I agree with a lot of the articles concerning topics in Canada and the broader west, I strongly disagree on the Articles that concern Russia. I believe it is possibly because the authors do not have personal experience living in Russia or are not as informed on the topic. Nonetheless, I want to say that Putin has built a very anti-white, anti-russian regime, which was a continuation of USSR anti-russian policy. There is massive replacement of Russians(Slavs- Europeans) by Central Asians from Kazakhstan,Tajikistan etc and by Caucasians(Chechens, Ingush etc). These migrants rape, kill Russians/slavs with impunity. However, Russians are not allowed to protest because of Hate crime legislation. Therefore, the first step for Russia would not be to seek Alliances with the west, but rather to perform regime change from Putin to a Russian nationalist regime. Otherwise, Russians will cease to exist soon.
The usual deflectors show up, but Duchesne bulldozes in:

I sympathize with eastern Europeans who can't side with Russia for their own nationalistic reasons, though I don't think these feelings should be extended into a rationale for supporting US/NATO globalism. But the claim that Putin "has built a very anti-white, anti-Russian regime" ------------------- is complete nonsense, for which you have no evidence. The Russians are naturally ethnocentric and would never allow their culture and women to be raped, as Europeans do. Regime change in Russia is a dream of ethnic Neocons, and it is unfortunate but eastern European nationalists are for it as well, with many now welcoming alliance with American globohomo imperialism. I agree with Fukuyama that "a Russian defeat and humiliation will puncture this narrative of the advantages of authoritarian government, and might lead to a rekindling of democratic self-confidence."

A Russian success will puncture the narrative of the advantages of liberal immigration replacement. The Western establishment is deeply invested militarily and morally/ideologically in the Ukraine. The dissidents who have sided with ethnic Neocons, Justin Trudeau, Biden, Pelosi --- the entire anti-white order --- against Russia have discredited themselves. 
Besides the arrogance of dismissing someone who SAYS she lives in Russia, and not bothering to find out through the website's sophisticated tools that identify real posters and remove trolls, he pontificates on a Russia he knows only through other sources. What makes this woman less credible than those who have become his Russia experts?
The woman tries again:
Regime change in Russia would benefit Russians since currently the regime is a civic-nationalist(Soviet style multiculturalism), at the large expense of the Russian majority. My claim that current regime is anti-Russian comes from personal experience having lived in Russia and from what I have read about the political situation. When Putin came to power the first thing he did was crack down on all right-wing movements(monarchist, nationalist etc.). The slogan "Russia for Russians" will lead to jail. Further, under Putin's regime unlimited central Asian immigration has occured and still occuring. Further, Russia again has hate speech laws ( article 282) used to oppress any ethnic Russian who is against Muslim and Caucasian migration. Russians are killed by immigrants/raped but you do not hear about unless you search for it. All in all this war does not benefit Europeans, but actually the opposite - it helps anti-europeans rapidly hasten the reduction of Slavic numbers to replace them with central-asians/Caucasians.
And once again, Duchesne punches back:
Again, you don't have any substantial evidence about Putin stamping out "all right wing movements", other than a few violent Russian nationalist groups. Yes, article 282 "outlaws acts or statements that incite ethnic, religious, or other forms of hatred or public discord" but this is a law that has to be seen within the context of the organic, history based multiethnic reality of Russia; why would he want an ethnic war inside Russia knowing full well that the ethnic Neocon/Anglo ruling classes in the West are pinning their hopes on such ethnic conflict to dismantle Russia? The Slavs have a right to be ethnocentric, and are not subjected to relentless propaganda against them.
Continues Duchesne:
I am convinced some of these type of comments come from organized ethnic Neocons. What of the consequences of this war is that Russia has broken with Western cultural influence, reaffirmed its own heritage and path; and it is this fact that troubles those who write these comments.

By this time, the woman is gone, with a silent (I heard it) "Good Luck!"

Duchesne is a promoter of Dugin (one of Dugin's books is prominently displayed on the CEC website, with a broken link, but inquiring minds will google search!), and of a turn towards Asia in his Eurasia advocacy. His ambivalent (to us mere public) writings on Jews is actually a camouflage for his support of them.

Writes one reader of CEC:

Why does Ricardo Duchesne act like he can't see the Jews?

And he answers his own question:
It only seems like a self-imposed contradiction when you don’t distinguish jews from Whites. The jews aren’t deluding themselves. As previously noted, jews behave as they do because they are hyper-conscious of their identity and interests, not because they are unconscious. They do what they think is good for jews, and a big part of that is guilt-tripping and scapegoating Whites. But rather than seeing jews being jews, Duchesne sees “liberals”.  

"Good Luck!" is what I say to Duchesne, and to the CEC from whom I parted even after contributing an article for their site.

But more than that, I say to watch what people DO rather than what they say (or write about). Duchesne does not belong in Canada, or the West. He should pack his bags (from beautiful New Brunswick where he "took early retirement" - was forced to take early retirement, to be precise - from his professorship a couple of years ago) and apply to one of Putin's institutes of higher education. Let's see how far that takes him.